Friday, March 12, 2004

Friday Feelings

Of all the people who's blogs I visit, I think about half of them have a friday post saying just exactly how much they love Fridays. My post... is not one of those.

I certainly don't hate fridays. They're just not my favorite day of the week. Next to Thursdays (gotta love the Haiku), I think my favorite day would have to be Saturday.

On Saturdays I wake up around 7 and go to the gym. I've been doing this for weeks now. I'm used to it. Crys, Mom, and whoever else I talk into going will stay there with me until around 11 and then we'll leave. After that, we can do whatever we want with the rest of the day. I've gone home and slept. I've scampered around like a chicken with her head cut off. I've done both in one day. But, for me, Saturdays are my Laugh Day. It doesn't matter what I end up doing for the entire day as long as most (or just some) is spent laughing with family or friends.

They say cancer people are very home oriented. I used to think that whoever "they" were had to be off their rocker. But now that I have the option of being away from my family when ever I want; I find... I don't want to. I love my family. They may exasperate me a lot, but I wouldn't be able to live anywhere I didn't have family close by.

Mom wants to move around the country (maybe the world) to find Archeological sites to work at. She does surveys. I'm pretty sure that's what it is. I know for sure she hates it when people call it "digs." Anyhow... when she told me that a few weeks ago I nearly cried. Right there. In her car. She's always complained that it's just to cold in Utah for her to be happy. And she spoken a lot about moving to Arizona. That would be no big deal. I can drive to Arizona. But then she says that for a few of her jobs (which can last up to 3 years) she might have to go to Europe. I can't deal with that. It'd be bad enough if she went to Georgia or Main. I will not be able to drive to England or France. Not unless they develop a bridge across the ocean. And I can't fly. I'm afraid of heights and planes go pretty high. I can't do by boat either, I get seasick. So I drive. But not to Europe. I have to let her go though. Cause I know she'll be happier when she's working. She deserves to be happy after everything she's gone through. She just does.

I find it funny how this entry goes from talking about other bloggers, to my favorite day of the week, to my mom. And it's all tied together. I think sometimes that if you try hard enough you can tie everything together somehow. Even Drunk dialing and your great great great great grandmother. Just be imaginative and use you mind.

Have Fun


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