Ode to my Favorites
Disclaimer: This is not what really happened. In fact, it's made up. Well most of it. They know what's not real. Well I hope they know what's not real. They should. They were there you know. What? Oh, yes I'll shut up and post it then.Once upon a time, and living in my computer
There was the beautiful and wise
Queen of Everything. Her name? Amy.
Who was lucky enough to meet
The King of Photos (who had a
Weird obsession with owning CD’s);
She just called him Chris.
Chris and Amy one day decreed
That their loyal friend Zoot
Had created the best wedding cake. Ever!
And so Lauren (another Loyal friend)
Was heartbroken. She closed her site.
And all the villiens missed her.
Colleen, who had the prettiest red hair,
Had known all of them and knew
That Miss Doxie, the one and only,
Was funnier than a school for comedians.
However they all agree that Miss Doxie
Is no longer allowed to paint rooms
As they're still peeling colored bugs
Off the ceilings and walls in their homes.
See? Now you can all laugh. OR you can be horribly red from embarrassment for me. OR you can be completly flattered that you were one of the six who got me addicted to blogs in the first place. Really it's your choice.
Have Fun
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