Sunday, March 14, 2004

Stories Written

I was reading today the first 13 typed pages of a story I'd once started. As I was reading through it I noticed wonderful parts. I also noticed parts that were either too cheesy or just misplaced. I noticed that I had things in there that were very well written. And also things written so badly a second grader could have written them. And not a very smart second grader at that. After reading those 13 pages I had an overwhelming desire to shred them. ALL of them. It's a good thing I haven't a papper shredder at home. Could be a bad thing. Anyhow....

I'm sitting here wondering how it is that I can have such a mixture of writtings in one story. How can I have ranged that widely in my writting ability? It was all written with in a month. And the good is widly intersperced throughout as well as the bad. So it's not one of those over time I became worse/better. Was it a brain fart? Was it lack of a brain? Is this why I couldn't bring myself to write anything more? What makes me put those bad parts in there? Maybe I need to wash some dishes and get to know myself better. Or maybe I should stop worrying and just go have fun.

I like option two. You follow that advice also.

Have Fun


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