Monday, April 05, 2004

The things you do that I hate

This is just for the education of a person. She knows who she is and why I'm writing this.

I hate when you don't call and expect me to be psychic. I hate when you lie. I hate when you tell me you lied, and then expect me to not think anything of it. I hate when you're a hypocrite. I hate when you think I'm a hypocrite. I hate when you play with my car. It's NOT a play-toy. It's expensive. If you want to make the car payments, you can play with it. Otherwise... leave it alone until I have a chance to pay it off. No you will never be driving it at this rate.

I hate when you think you're better than I am. I hate when you think I believe I'm better than you. I hate when we fight. I hate when you cause fights. I hate your unwillingness to bend for ANYONE. I hate your superiority complex. I hate when you judge people before you get to know them. I hate when you judge my friends. I hate when you get upset over things that have no concern with you. I hate when you pressure me for information I obviously don't want to give you.

I have told people only the things you did to piss me off in a fight, but they don't hate you. If they did, you'd know. They're people you've talked to on numerous occasions. And they hear just as much good about you as bad. So just drop it. They know I'm prone to bouts of anger over small things. They've seen it before. So spouting off at the mouth about the things you do that piss me off is nothing new. Like I said. They don't JUST hear the bad. There's good when I'm not fighting with you. David is no exception either. He heard just as much good as bad. He judged you based on how you treated me when both of you were around. He was wrong for judging you based only on those few times, and I told him so. If you noticed that last time I actually hung out with him... he did NOT treat you badly.

You need to learn from your mistakes and quit making them. You need to learn to forgive. You need to learn to bend, even if it is only a fraction. If you never bend at all, you can break. This is why you have few friends. At least that's my belief. If you are like this with everyone and not just me, it's no surprise. People get tired of always bending for you with no bending from you. Ever. So do everyone a favor and LEARN. Cause I'm tired of fighting with you. If I could I wouldn't be your friend anymore either. It's too exhausting.


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