Tuesday, May 04, 2004

All must bow down to the Cat Queen

If you do not pet her when you walk in the door you will regret it. You will awake quickly with a furry bottom in your face. You will gag at the smell eminating from it. You have just gotten the dreded Cat Queen Fart punishment.

If you do not pet her once when she comes up to you durring the day, you will pay. You will be peacefully reading on the floor or in bed and she will pounce. She will step on your book and obstruct your reading. She will not let you go back to your reading until you have been forced to sit up and hold your book out of her reach. And then she will plant herself in your lap until you pet her.

However, if you do pet her when you walk in. And you intermittently, through-out the day, bend down to pat, pet, or rub her. Then when you go to bed at night, and if you call her oh-so-sweetly, she'll come and tuck you in until you've gotten just about to the point of sleep.

And then she'll find the one spot on your body that hurts and put all her 12 pounds on it.


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