Monday, May 10, 2004

Look Ma! Two Left Feet!!

When you love your mom you should tell her. When you have held your mom as your idol since you were seven, you should tell her. When you think of your mom no longer as a mom but a friend, you should... NOT tell her. If you think your mom is totally awse because she belly dances and doesn't take shit from anyone, go ahead and tell her. But not if you told her she's like a friend to you. That's just asking for it.

When you agree to take your mom to the club, remember she belly dances. Those moves on the dance floor? The ones to YOUR type of music? Yeah those are belly dancing to Rock... Not totally awse. Totally weird.

Your friends? Totally love your mom's wild spirit. They will love all the bat jewlery that is everywhere they look. They will be jealous that your mom is getting a tatoo with you on your next birthday. They will wish their mom was as cool as yours.

But all in all? It was a nice way to spend the day before Mother's Day with the lady who had to carry you for about 9 months and then push your damn head out somewhere much smaller than said head. Show a little love to the poor lady for that if nothing else...


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