Morality and Greener Grass
Is it wrong to decide long before you could even actually perform an act? How about if the act is marrying someone then divorcing them for half of all their assets? And if they hasn't got those assets yet? If they are currently using you for YOUR assets?Morals are such a tetchy thing. Morally it would probably be wrong. In the eyes of Revenge though, it's a very sweet deal.
Consciously making a decision to use and lose a person. It's not the worlds best thing to do. And it angers people. But a lot of people seem to not care about it. As long as it's not done to them.
Should they care? Shouldn't they realize that, if a person is willing to do this to someone else they know, there's not much keeping them from doing it to them?
It's all a matter of view I guess. If you see it from the perps point of view you know it's slightly wrong but you have your own reasons for not caring. If you see it from the victims point of view it's a horrible, destructive, manipulative thing to do. And if you see it as a bystander... well I guess you could go either way.
Yes, by all means, sit on that fence until you know all the facts. Don't jump to either side yet. You may just find the grass on the otherside isn't plastic like the one you jumped on. Weigh the reasons for each action. Watch the by-plays. Judge the character. Then chose which side is greener. Because once you've jumped the fence there is no going back. Never.
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