Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Run for Cover! It's a Giant Dorkus!

Yes, just call me Dorkus. That'll be my name. Ignore the intellegance I claimed to have. Ignore the IQ tests. Ignore the test scores I got. I am the epitome of Dorkus-ness.

If you get a proposal not once but 4 to 5 freaking times from the same person... wouldn't it be a given they like you? Yeah, you'd think so. Unless you're a Dorkus. Then you'd be thinking... well hell, I don't think you would be thinking.

If you have a very, very, very close friend who has told you every detail about their life and never held anything back... and you sleep with his other best friend... you should probably have told him back when it happened. Unless you're a Dorkus. Then you let him find out from said other friend 6 months after the fact. And find out his fiancee? Yeah she knew before him to boot. Not going to help a friendship.

If you have a person you always flirt with next to you, and he thinks of himself as your boyfriend, it's not polite to flirt outrageously with the cute waiter/dancer/other friend/complete stranger. Unless you're a Dorkus.

Like me.


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