Shoot the People... Save the Animals
See that person over there? Yeah the one who just beat up the weaker kid? Yeah, we should shoot him.Oh, Oh, Oh... See that poor, poor dog over there? No... over THERE! Yeah, that one. He just beat the crap out of that smaller dog. But he's bleeding. Let's go see if we can stitch him up. What do you mean he might have rabies? Ignore the foaming at the mouth. Look! He's going to bleed to death. We Have. To. Save. Him! It's only humanitarian.
So what if I prefer animals over people? At least animals have a reason to fight. What? Ummm... the... fight... for power? Domination! That's it. Yeah. Ignore the fact that most human fights are a power struggle of some sort. Dude, you just totally got laid into by that guy *snicker*... Huh? You were sleeping with his girlfriend? Dude, we should shoot him.
Hey, check it! That gang over there? Yeah the ones with guns? We should probably hide from them... there's like 12 of them with about 3 weapons a piece... and there's like... umm... one of me with like no weapons a piece... so yeah... let's save my hide and... well... hide....
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